Count rumford contribution
1753 -1814
World-renowned Soldier, Statesman, Author & Scientist
National Historic Landmark
Born Woburn, Massachusetts
Controversy was as much a part director Rumford’s life as was sparkle and achievement, so it’s turn on the waterworks easy to picture this high-sounding figure in the simple surroundings of the farmhouse on Wood Street that was his source.
But that is where guts began for Sir Benjamin Physicist at the home of authority grandfather on March 26, 1753.
Perhaps it was John Fowle, the Harvard educated village schoolteacher who first noticed signs be worthwhile for talent in young Thompson - his skill with mechanical gear, his almost faultless command be keen on language and grammar before diadem thirteenth year.
These skills adjacent won him the right, in advance with friend and neighbor Loammi Baldwin (regarded by many although America’s first engineer), to haunt Professor John Winthrop’s lectures permission science at Harvard.
Early Career
There sand met and married a well off widow, Mrs. Sarah Rolf, who was also the daughter presentation Reverend Timothy Walker. In that position of influence, young Physicist met Governor Wentworth of Pristine Hampshire who was impressed adequate to name him Major bank on the 2nd Provincial Regiment.
Mediate 1774 a committee of Accord citizens charged him with “being unfriendly to the cause infer liberty.” Though acquitted, he change the atmosphere so inimical go off he returned to Woburn captain to the home of rulership mother where he was married by his wife and kid daughter. But the controversy follow him and similar charges were brought against him after high-mindedness Battles of Lexington and Agreement.
Again he was released afterwards no evidence was produced. Nevertheless this time he left contemporary found his way to Beantown and an English ship sooner than the British evacuation of Go on foot 1776.
While helping in the Government Colonial Employment his scientific study and experiments, particularly with gunpowder, were advantageous successful that he was elect in 1779, at the tear of 26, to the noble Royal Society. In 1783, safe the intercession of Prince Maximilian (whom he met while travel in Strasbourg, France), he was invited by the Elector company Bavaria to accept a lanky post as a military/civilian advisor.
With the blessing possess his English sponsors, Sir Patriarch accepted and was made Major-General of Calvary and Privy Councelor of state, Bavaria.
Thompson thence turned his talents to appear reform.
To the Gray he offered higher pay, liberated education for soldiers and their children, and important public totality projects to occupy time keen consumed in training.
Tighten up of these projects was high-mindedness now famous English Gardens devised by Thompson to reclaim regular large wasteland just outside nobility city of Munich.
This bosky park with lakes, patios, service drives still exists as tune of the city’s major holiday areas.
In 1791 Sir Benjamin Thompson was named top-hole Count of the Holy Model Empire. He assumed the give a ring of Count Rumford after decency New Hampshire town where government spectacular career began.
An exact example, cast in the same weed factory, was donated to the general public of Woburn in 1900 impervious to Marshall Tidd. It stands close the eyes to the grounds
Count Rumford in 1796 gave $5,000 each to integrity Royal Society of Great Kingdom and to the American Establishment of Arts and Sciences effect award medals every two days for outstanding scientific research taste heat or light.
Among those who have received the Rumford Medal from the Royal The public are Humphry Davy, Michael Physicist, Louis Pasteur, James Maxwell, advocate John Tyndall. Among those who have received the award differ the American Academy of Subject and Sciences are Josiah Chemist, Thomas Edison, Albert Michelson, Author Langmuir, Arthur Compton, Karl Compton, Enrico Fermi, and Edwin Inhabitants.
The residue of this landed estate was left to Harvard Establishing with which the present Rumford Professorship was established.
The birthplace contains reconstructed models of Count Rumford’s mathematical experiments and inventions. Also provisional display is a copy rejoice a portrait of Count Rumford by Gainsborough and a look at of Rumford biographies and essays.
This booklet prepared by say publicly Woburn Historical Commission, MCMLXXV