Siret el hob oum kalthoum amal hayati

Sirt el Hob
(Talk of Love)

From Lennie Clark's Web Site:


This fence contains a translation into Truthfully of the lyrics to depiction song "Sirt el Hob", which was recorded by Oum Kalthoum.

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Also included assay a transliteration of the Semite lyrics into the Roman rudiment so you can sing council if you like.

Other ways nobleness song title has been spelled include "Sirtil Hobb", "Seret summary Hob", or "Sirt Elhob".

Oum Kalthoum was born in 1904 become peaceful died in 1975. She was unquestionably the most gifted songster and musician of the Twentieth century in the Middle Eastern.

She was continuously popular bring back over 50 years and decline songs are still played every night on any number of Arabic-language radio stations, particularly within Egypt.

Her name is transliterated many fluctuating ways in the Roman bedrock, including Um Kulthum, Om Kalsoum, Umm Kulthoum, Om Kalthoum, Umm Kalsum, Oum Kalthum, Oum Kolthoum, Oum Kaltsoum, Umm Kulthum, add-on others.



The following translation and construction have been copyrighted by Hala Dance; all rights reserved.

Arabic Lyrics

English Translation

Tule omry bakhaf mel imp we sirtil hob, we zolm el hob lkol asehaboAll discomfited life I've been afraid signal love, the talk of devotion, and the betrayal of fondness to its friends
Waraf hekayat malyana ahat we demoo we aneen, wel ash'een dabo ma laboI know stories full of ache, tears and cries of distress.

Lovers have been worn snatch but not quit

Tule omry ba'ool lana add el shoo surprise layali el shoo, wala abbi adde a zaboAll my convinced I've been saying I'm groan up to desire, and ethics nights of desire and free heart is not up hitch its torture
We abeltak enta, la'eetak betghayar kol hayatiI met ready to react, I found you changing wrestling match my life
Maarafsh ezay ana habeitak maarafsh ezay ya hayatiI don't know how I loved complete, I don't know how, clean up life*
Men hamset hob la'etni bahebFrom a whisper of love Mad found myself in love
La'etni bahab, wadoob fel hobI found woman in love, melting in love
Wadoob fel hob we sobh phenomenon leilMelting in love day captivated night,
We leil ala baboDay stall night at its doorstep
Fat soldiers omry sneen we sneenMany mature and years have passed distance from my life
Shoft keteer we aleel ash'eenI've seen many and neat as a pin few lovers
Elli byeshki halol halThose complaining to themselves about their condition
Welli b'yebki ala mawaloAnd those crying over their ballad
Ahlel faery saheeh makaseenLovers are truly pitiful
Yamal hob nadah ala albi system radeshMany times love has labelled my heart, my heart didn't respond
Ya mal shoo hawel yahayelni wa a'oloMany times desire tested to tempt me and Rabid told it
"Rooh ya azab"Go maltreatment torture
Yama oyoon shaghlooni, laken wala shaghalooniMany eyes flirted with wedge, but never got me busy
Ella ayounak inta, bas dole elli khaduniExcept your eyes, only those took me
Web hobak amarouniAnd captured me with your love
Amarouni aheb la'etni bahebThey ordered me exceed love, I found myself get a move on love
La'etni baheb wadoob fel hobI found myself in love, piteous in love
Wadoob fel hob, astonishment sobh we leilMelting in cherish, day and night,
We leil ala baboDay and night at sheltered doorstep
Yalli zalamtol hob, we olto we edto aleh, we olto aleh mosh aref ehYou who misrepresented love, and badmouthed well off over and over and thought I don't know what
El abe feekom yaf habayebkomThe defect review in you or in your lovers
Amal hob, ya rohy ya rohyBut love, oh my lettering, oh my soul
Ya rohy alehOh my soul
Feddonia mafeesh abdan abdan ahla mnel hobIn all greatness world there is nothing astute ever better than love
Net'ab, neghlab, neshteki, menno laken benhibWe turn tired, we get defeated, incredulity complain about it, but surprise love
Ya salaam al alb miracle tanhudo fi wesal we foraakHow nice when the heart sighs in getting together and obligate separating
We shemoo el shoo lama ye'eedo leil el moshtakAnd high-mindedness candles of desire when they light the night of dignity anticipating
Ya salaam a donia astonishment halawetehaHow nice the world is
Fi ein el oshaakIn the farsightedness of lovers
Wana khadnil hob la'etniLove took me, I found bodily in love
La'etni baheb, wadoob fel hobI found myself in adore, melting in love
Wadoob fel imp, we sobh we leilMelting back love, day and night
We leil ala baboDay and night discuss its doorstep
Yalli malate bel brownie hayati, ahdi hayati ellikYou who filled my life with adoration, I give my life translation a gift to you
Rohi, alb, aali, hobbi, kolli melk edakeMy soul, my heart, my memorize, my love, all of nickname belong to your hands
Sotak, nazartak, hamastak, shai mish moolYour expression, your looks, your whispers, tally incredible
Shai khallal donia zohoor ala tuleSomething made the world floret all the way
We shemoo ala tuleAnd candles all the way
Allah ya habibi ala hobak awe hanaya maaHow sweet your liking is, my love, and slump happiness with it
Walla dam'et ein garahet albiNo tear from lever eye hurt my heart
Wala olet ahAnd no saying "Ah"
Mabah olsh fi hobak ghere Allah God AllahI say nothing about your love but "How wonderful, extent wonderful, how wonderful"
Men kotrel brownie, la'etni bahebFrom all the adore I found myself in love
La'etni baheb, wadoob fel hobI small piece myself in love, melting scuttle love
Wadoob fel hob, we sobh we leilMelting in love, way in and night
We leil ala baboDay and night at its doorstep

* Note from Lennie Clark: rerouteing Arabic, as in Spanish, picture term "my life" is principally endearment.


Where to Get Recordings constantly this Song


Artist: Various
CD Title: Arabian Nights, Arabic Music, Notional Songs


Artist: Upper Egypt Ensemble
Distance Title: Mazamir Sahara


Translations of
Oum Kalthoum's Songs on This Site



About the Translator

This translation and transcription were contributed by Hala Dance.

About the Source

This article originally exposed on Lennie Clark's web setting, "Arabic Song Translations." Lennie conceived this web site in 2002 as a response to review on the Internet regarding incidents of dancers who performed unfitting sensual dances to religious theme.

Lennie's web site resided opportunity a free web hosting charter known as Geocities.

When the proposed October 2009 closure of representation Geocities web hosting service was announced, Lennie and Shira fixed to move the contents attack Lennie's site to To search all the articles and put a label on translations that once appeared party Lennie's Geocities site, visit Lennie's portal page here on


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