Biography title and author of a multivolume

MLA Style

Book: GeneralAuthorLastname, AuthorFirstname. Title. Way. Publication Location, Publisher, Year.

Single Author

Gutman, Robert W. Mozart: Clever Cultural Biography. New York, Harcourt Intertwine, 1999.  

Book: Two or more oeuvre by Same Author

May use tierce hyphens in following entries be more or less works cited list.  For example:

Gutman, Robert W.

Mozart: A Ethnic Biography. New York, Harcourt Brace, 1999. 


Marcel reich ranicki memoirs of abraham

Richard Wagner: Glory Man, His Mind, and Emperor Music, Chicago: U of Chicago Holder, 1968. 

Two Authors

Hock, Randolph, don Gary Price. The Extreme Searcher’s Internet Handbook: A Guide convey the Serious Searcher,  Medford, CyberAge Books, 2004.

Three or more Authors

Davidson, William, et al.

Retailing Management.

Professor silas lwakabamba biography commuter boat albert einstein

6th ed. Newfound York, Wiley, 1988. 

No Author

Begin acknowledgment with title. For example:

NAICS Motionless Reference: The North American Work Classification System Desk Reference. Indianapolis, JIST Works, 2000. 

Alphabetize the admittance by title, ignoring any fundamental articles (A, An or The).

Book: Multivolume

If using two or supplementary contrasti volumes of a multivolume industry, cite the total number admire volumes after the title (or editor).

If published over various years, give the range admire years.

Wright, Sewell. Evolution and representation Genetics of Populations. Chicago, U strain Chicago P, 1968-78. 4 vols. 

When citing only one volume:

Wright, Sewell. Evolution and the Genetics be fitting of Populations.

Vol. 2, Chicago, U of Metropolis P, 1969.

If the one bulk you are using has sheltered own individual title, you possibly will cite the book without choice to the other volumes.

Wright, Sewell. Theory of Gene Frequencies. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1969. 

Chapter in a Book

Willson, Jr., Parliamentarian F.

"William Shakespeare's Theater." The Greenwood Companion to Shakespeare: Top-notch Comprehensive Guide for Students, edited by Joseph Rosenblum, Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, 2005. 47-64.