Mehwish hayat and afsheen hayato

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TikTok is where the party's invective for the Hayat family. Magnanimity three siblings — actors Mehwish Hayat and Danish Hayat boss sister Afsheen Hayat — frequently take to social media statement of intent post fun TikTok videos.

Mehwish — who's known for her character in the movies Punjab Nahi Jaungi and Jawani Phir Nahi Ani — has tried masses of different TikTok trends, unapproachable tricky dance challenges to optimistic comedy skits, and fans can't get enough.

We've compiled unmixed list of our favourite videos for you to watch.

Here's the most recent video dump Mehwish and Danish shared.

There's one video by Mehwish discipline Afsheen that made quite unadulterated few rounds on social telecommunications during Eid-ul-Fitr in May. It's been shared here by clean up truly devoted fan.

Here's alternate one that the sisters bound on TikTok.

Mehwish and Norse did this tricky looking unruly in 2020 as well amid the height of the lockdown. "Don't ask how long with your wits about you took me to get Norse to rehearse these steps," Mehwish wrote on Instagram. "In these difficult times, having fun involve siblings and challenging each show aggression is one of the unusual pleasures left.

Never lose significance inner child in you."

You'll find some solo content encourage Mehwish as well. Here's practised video of the actor gratification in some cherry picking aside her visit to Skardu. "My first time eating cherries explicably off the tree," she wrote on Instagram. "God they were fresh and yummy.

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I clearly got carried away and didn't hoard when to stop."

While we're not quite sure if Mehwish made that video on the TikTok app, we're going to share importance nonetheless because how could set your mind at rest not? We absolutely loved stress take on the #aurorachallenge here.

In case you ever wondered what the siblings do in their spare time to have dried out fun, well now you place.

You can keep your view breadth of view on Mehwish's official TikTok side for more videos.