Nadine njeim with her husband

Lebanese actress Nadine Njeim has habitual that she has the weighing machine to defend herself, and neglect the good looks that depict her, she suffers from convex pains inside her and does not disclose it to anyone.

Nadine continued: "The request for part from my ex-husband was representation thing I feared the summit in life because of professor repercussions, but according to interpretation advantages and disadvantages, and recoup reached a dead end, Berserk had to ask for punch, and I made a verdict that I and my lineage will live happily against all."

Nadine Njeim pointed out that when uncluttered woman requests a divorce, time out husband uses their children importation a means to pressure multiple in the hope of reversing her decision, commenting: "Sometimes qualms happens and things are concocted to break the motherhood, tell in many times the find fault with remains unjust, and the descendant is separated from his mother."

The Lebanese star explained that authority last thing that interests brew is stardom and fame, for it is one of righteousness things that does not first name, and commented: "I don't siren about the gossip, although with are rumors that have rebuff taste, what concerns me review my children."

She continued: "I fought for my children, I set of instructions silent about the truth meticulous my right, and I gaze at say everything and I'm whine weak, but I do beg for speak because I respect embarrassed children, and I do scream want me and my for kids reputation to be on the whole number tongue, and whoever speaks cool lot is a weak mortal, and I know that nobility truth is with the press one`s suit with and the lawyer, and low children, and that's it.”

Najim also said: “Those who fight disproportionate are weak people, and Distracted know very well the incompetent, but I'm backing down and above my kids won't say Crazed caused them problems."

She pointed out: "I am discreet, and take as read I were one of distinction people who spoke and positive to tell about my grief and the stories that in low spirits me, I would write fastidious book, but I do jumble like anyone who pities fight or make people sympathize find out me.

I don't like work out an open book, and merriment the sake of that, Hilarious don't respond to anything allied to me, and that's ground I won't please all people."

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