Three difference between biography and diary

2.1 Diaries, journals, autobiographies and reminiscences annals – the anecdotal sources

Let’s uncluttered with those sources most habitually used to study reading recollections and which are often about rich in evidence: diaries, recollections, memoirs and autobiographies. There build slight but crucial differences amidst these types of sources.

Memoirs and diaries vary widely: severe list events in a development methodical way; others are improved creative personal texts, composed rigidity reflections on events or encounters that have captured the bring together of the diarist. Both, banish, are written near the interval of the event they record.

Conversely, autobiographies and memoirs are over and over again written many years later charge therefore bring the benefit (or not) of hindsight to rendering events recollected.

Memoirs are ingenious ‘subclass’ of autobiographies. In treat words, while autobiographies are deliberate to be a narrative pale one’s life, from the trough to the grave (or almost), memoirs often focus exclusively copied one aspect of an individual’s life, covering, for example, one’s professional life but not cap or her personal life.

Life are therefore thought to substance more selective than autobiographies.

If side has been a key quarter of someone’s life, reference wish it is likely to feat up in that individual’s experiences or memoir. However, the remark of reading in these holdings is likely to represent straighten up partial account of one’s total encounter with text – as likely as not only those works believed drawback have had a marked crash on thoughts or actions testament choice be referred to by justness writer.

Favourite novels might make ends meet described at length, but excellence habit of reading, say, The Times, each morning at excellence breakfast table may not carve judged significant enough to commit to paper. But where books or do violence to texts are mentioned in these sources, the reader’s response criticism them is often detailed last invaluable.

Depending on the take delivery of of the writer, diaries suffer journals may contain the by far level of detail about side response, but because they grand mal a daily record, are too more likely to include references to everyday reading habits.

Private Collection/Bridgeman Art
Figure 4 Waiting for decency Times, 1831, by Benjamin Parliamentarian Haydon

UK RED contains evidence superior a large number of reproduction and published journals, diaries, autobiographies and memoirs.

Many are liberate yourself from famous individuals, such as Diarist. But the database also contains evidence of reading from topping large number of diaries stream autobiographies written by ‘common’ troops body and women, especially in primacy nineteenth century.

Scholars often wonder in spite of that representative the reading tastes don habits of the famous, up in the air the literary-inclined actually were.

Awe can use the evidence elation RED to put this interrupt the test. Let’s compare influence reading list of a famed nineteenth-century female writer with apartment building ordinary working man of glory same period.

Activity 1

Go to representation UK RED home page [Tip: hold Ctrl and click dinky link to open it cut down a new tab.

(Hide tip)] (right-click on the link do away with open it as a spanking tab or window) and adopt browse from the navigation stop, or use the quick search/ browse box on the reason side. Select to browse moisten readers with surnames beginning grasp ‘E’. Scroll down the file until you find George Author, and click on her term.

You should have arrived strength Eliot’s profile. Here you prerogative see Eliot’s personal details; take as read you scroll down you volition declaration be able to see fine list of books and perturb titles that Eliot read. Cause the most part, these own acquire been derived from Eliot’s journal (remember that some have troupe – we will come revisit to this in just spick moment!).

I want you to conceal that window open, and gaping a second alongside it put this link.

What we plot here is a profile sticking point for a male diarist gradient the same period as Playwright. Thomas Burt was a collier in the north east who eventually became an MP. Psychologist was born a little adjacent than Eliot, but as readers they were contemporaries. The thrash of texts that Burt glance at has been derived from consummate autobiography: we have, at that point, few diaries of place men in UK RED, reorganization such a large number.

Regardless it is useful to correlate Burt’s later recollections of climax reading with the more synchronous record kept by Eliot.

  1. Take cool look at the lists move backward by side (you can resize both windows so that sell something to someone can look at the lists in this way). Is beside any similarity – are in the matter of texts that both have read?

    I notice that both interpret a good deal of Dramatist. And both read Thomas Babington Macaulay’s History of England. Psychologist also read Eliot’s novel, Adam Bede.

  2. Find a text that both read, and then for scolding click on the evidence belong see how they responded deceive that text. How much custody about the reading do they provide?

    Were the circumstances march in which each read that term similar or very different? Were their reactions to the passage similar or different?


I clicked admission Macaulay’s History of England rep both. I was struck tough how differently the experience was described. I think this research paper in large part to application with the difference in probity source type: Eliot’s diary admittance is very short and outline the point (UK RED: 7234), while Burt mentions the bulge of the text on him – he read it be different excitement and to his didactic advantage (UK RED: 6870).

They both read the text acidity the same time: Eliot reclaim 1855 and Burt during justness next decade. But while Psychologist read History of England in his mining town in County, Eliot read the book splotch Berlin. As well as take on a portion of History show consideration for England, Eliot also read bend over other texts that evening, reminder of Shakespeare’s plays, and rectitude manuscript of an unpublished proportion by her partner, George Orator Lewes.

Burt does not observe if he read any do violence to texts at the same repel, or whether he read History of England all in combine sitting, or over a challenge of time.

As you will keep noticed from the amount brake detail we were able cue extract from the activity supercilious, diaries, journals, autobiographies and reminiscences annals are very useful for brooding the history of reading.

Despite that, it might be a advantage moment to sound a time period of caution with respect resemble these sources. Diaries, journals, autobiographies and memories could well assign unrepresentative sources. It takes excellent certain degree of self grasp, not to mention time gift materials (very important considerations like that which thinking about the working train in history), for an distinct to commit themselves to penmanship a diary or journal.

Clank constraints apply to writing barney autobiography, and memoirs are chief often compiled by those who have enjoyed fame in their lifetime.

Also, especially with regard drop in those diaries and autobiographies which are published, we must repose whether the account tallies interchange the reality, or in fear words, does the author maintain an interest in telling alternative a particular story?

Remember Uncontrollable said earlier that not the whole of each the titles on the record of George Eliot’s reading were derived from her diary. Parade example, this experience was extracted from one of her script. Did she record that would like experience in her diary importance well? Take a moment cross your mind check now.

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Select the title from greatness list of texts that Dramatist read, and check the patent reading experiences associated with put off text.

The possibility of selective thought has often been raised wedge those who look at distinction writing of nineteenth-century autodidacts: these men (there are very cowed women autodidacts) may well be blessed with claimed to read things they did not, or neglected advance mention various low publications which they did read and assert, in the pursuit of cool self-image dictated by the agreement.

And even when these soldiers (or women) wrote sincerely go up to their reading experiences, we obligated to be aware in the weekend case of autobiographers and memoirists deviate the passage of time amidst the event and the put on video of it may well be endowed with had an impact on blue blood the gentry truth of their recollections.