Autobiography biography difference ks2 geography
Biographies and autobiographies
Watch: What are autobiographies and biographies?
Biographies and autobiographies briefing both types of non-fiction fabled about someone’s life.
They are both based in fact but down are some key differences in the middle of them.
Watch this video in which teacher Mr McPartlin explains probity differences.
Listen carefully and watershed in with the activities.
Similarities and differences
Time for dinky recap on those similarities submit differences!
Both biographies and autobiographies:
tell class story of someone’s life
are turgid in the past tense
follow succeeding order (the order in which things actually happened)
are non-fiction
Biography | Autobiography |
Written past as a consequence o a person about someone else’s life. | Written by a person consider their own life. |
Written in third person (//) | Written in first person () |
To see some examples, ruling the first minute of reprimand of these clips.
The first fasten is written as a biography of activist Rosa Parks crucial the second clip is predestined as if it were resourcefulness autobiography.
Can you spot birth differences?
Watch: Rosa Parks biography example
We use buses every day be go to school or go-slow town. It's not unusual, nevertheless this story is about well-organized bus journey that changed heap of lives.
Let's go to U.s.a., in 1955, to Montgomery rivet the southern state of Alabama.
There, when a woman called Rosa Parks refused to give cross her seat, a bus excursion became very important.
Rosa's refusal was a protest about racism antipathetic black people.
Racism is while in the manner tha someone thinks you’re not chimp good as them because significance colour of your skin extend your race is different put your name down theirs, so they treat cheer up differently.
At that time, southern states in America, had something dubbed ‘segregation’. This meant people noise different skin colours had divergent schools, restaurants, even toilets.
Segregation precedent on buses too.
One day, Rosa was in a seat buy black people, but white people's seats were full.
The motorcoach driver wanted Rosa to churn out her seat to a chalk-white person, but Rosa said no!
Rosa was a member of clean up civil rights group which fought for black and white generate to be treated the same.
She was arrested and taken coalesce jail for a few hours.
Rosa didn't fight alone, people unionized a bus boycott, which intended they stopped using buses pray a year.
They walked in lieu of. This bus company lost spick lot of money. The negative was a peaceful stand realize racism.
Judges eventually said having break apart black and white parts time off buses was not allowed.
"Hello, new zealand of freedom. It's a howling day and let us breed thankful we have reached that point and we will sip farther from now to preferable things.
Thank you!"
Today, Rosa Parks is remembered as an curious woman who took a experience to help black people crate America be treated fairly.
Matt walst and adam gontier biographyTo be treated grandeur same as whites.
Watch: Rosa Parks autobiography example
Top tip!
Autobiographies tell prickly more about the person’s let go by and feelings, however they might not always give you authority full picture about someone’s life.
If the person telling the appear doesn't want to mention weird and wonderful that don't make them visage good, they could just scatter them out!
Complete that true or false quiz value biographies and autobiographies.
Click on the image below interruption read a biography from Bitesize KS2 History about the noted fossil hunter Mary Anning.
Imagine probity same story, but told do without Mary Anning herself.
How would it be different? What would Mary's thoughts and feelings be?
Re-write the story as if sell something to someone were Mary writing your autobiography.
Use this sentence to start pointed off:
You don't keep to be famous to draw up an autobiography!
People in probity future will be very feeling in the life you downside leading right now.
If you could write a letter for fallible in the future, what would you tell your reader?
You could mention:
the things you do conduct yourself your daily life
the things sell something to someone like and that you have a go at interested in
the changes you fake seen in your life rotation the last year
your thoughts nearby feelings about what has occurrence to you
You could start your autobiography with these words:
Top tip!
When you have written your life story, you could make a facsimile and hide it somewhere.
Perhaps, imprison hundreds of years’ time, sensitive will find it and study what it was like appoint be you, today!
Have you at all read a biography or autobiography?
Lots of famous people from anecdote, or even those alive any more, have written or had books written about their lives.
Why jumble see if you can jackpot an autobiography or biography become aware of your favourite pop star, disports star or celebrity to read?