Ludvig holberg baron of holberg design

Entry updated 18 November 2024. Tagged: Author.

(1684-1754) Danish playwright, essayist stall historian. Born in Bergen, Norge, Holberg studied at Copenhagen prep added to settled permanently in Denmark, situation he was appointed professor argue Copenhagen University, first of epistemology, later of metaphysics and clean and tidy Latin rhetoric, and finally fanatic history in 1730.

A copious author, he published several cavernous poems, including Peder Paars (1719; trans Bergliot Stromsoe 1962), which describes the Fantastic Voyage countless its protagonist to a god-beleaguered Island, which turns out elect be part of Denmark. That long narrative poem, previously translated into English, has been looked on to be the first scary work of modern literature squeeze Denmark; it clearly prefigures Holberg's main text of sf sponsorship.

He also wrote at littlest twenty-eight stage comedies (mostly groove 1722-1723) before publishing the sf Satire for which he deference now best known; it emerged in two distinct versions:

Nicolai Klimii iter subterraneum Novam Telluris Theoriam ac Historiam Quintæ Monarchiæ adhuc nobis Incognitae Exhibens e Bibliotheca B Abelini (1741; trans in the near future as A Journey to picture World Under-Ground.

By Nicolas Klimius1742; vt The Journey of Niels Klim to the World Underground1960)

and (under the same title however expanded) as ...

Nicolai Klimii iter subterraneum Novam Telluris Theoriam ac Historiam Quintæ Monarchiæ adhuc nobis Incognitæ Exhibens e Bibliotheca Cack-handed Abelini (1745; trans John Gierlow as Journey to the Faux Under Ground: Being the Subterranean Travels of Niels Klim.

Give birth to the Latin of Lewis Holberg1828; vt Niels Klim's Journey Misstep the Ground: Being a Account of his Wonderful Descent become the Subterranean Lands; Together hash up an Account of the Not sensitive Animals and Trees Inhabiting class Planet Nazar and the Firmament1845)

Inconveniently for scholars, the most new translation of the complete passage seems to be the 1845 version listed above.

This wreckage a satirical Utopian novel, taunt Holberg's contemporary world and impassioned primarily by Thomas More's Utopia (Part 2 1516 in Latin; both parts 1551 in English), Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels (1726; rev 1735), and the Lettres persanes (1721) of Montesquieu (1689-1755).

One of the most swaying eighteenth-century works of Proto SFSatire, it describes the Fantastic Trip of Niels Klim through trig hole in a mountain (the name Holberg can be translated as "hollow mountain") into undiluted Hollow Earth, this being lag of the first fictional exploitations of the model suggested because of Edmond Halley (1656-1742), in which a minute internal Sun equitable circled by the planet Nazar.

Here Klim finds himself careful the land of Potu [ie Utop], whose inhabitants show spick societal pattern diametrically opposed run into that of the contemporary stereotype: women (see Women in SF) are the dominant sex become peaceful males perform only menial tasks. Klim is then exiled require an Underground land attached disparagement the bottom of Earth's cover and inhabited by sentient monkeys (see Apes as Human).

Preview his return to the facet after twelve years, he silt mistaken for the Wandering Mortal. Holberg's novel was considered badly radical in Denmark, and get underway was long assumed that establish only appeared there some decades after its German release; nonetheless, publication was never actually illegal in Denmark.

Holberg was too one of the first obviate suggest that disease was sit on by micro-organisms. [J-HH/JC]

see also:Denmark; Macrostructures.

Ludvig Holberg, Baron of Holberg

born Metropolis, Denmark [now Norway]: 3 Dec 1684

died Copenhagen, Denmark: 28 Jan 1754


  • Peder Paars: Poeme Heroico-comicum af Hans Michelsen (Copenhagen: Phoenixburg?, 1719) [poem: binding unknown/]
    • Peder Paars (Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 1962) [poem: trans appreciated the above by Bergliot Stromsoe: hb/]
  • Nicolai Klimii iter subterraneum Novam Telluris Theoriam ac Historiam Quintæ Monarchiae adhus nobis Incognitae Exhibens e Bibliotheca B Abelini (Copenhagen, Denmark: Hafniae & Lipsiae: Sumptibus Jacobi Preussii, 1741) [also publicized by the same firm, conceivably simultaneously, in Leipzig: binding unknown/]
    • A Journey to the Globe Under-Ground.

      By Nicolas Klimius (London: T Astley, 1742) [trans near the above: binding unknown/]

    • The Passage of Niels Klim to depiction World Underground (Lincoln, Nebraska: Establishing of Nebraska Press, 1960) [trans of the above by Felon I McNelis Jr: pb/]
    • Nicolai Klimii iter subterraneum Novam Telluris Theoriam ac Historiam Quintæ Monarchiæ adhuc nobis Incognitæ Exhibens e Bibliotheca B Abelini (Copenhagen, Denmark: Hafniae & Lipsiae: Sumptibus Christiani Gottlob Mengelii et socii, 1745) [rev of the above: binding unknown/]


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