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Sheikh Said rebellion
Kurdish rebellion following magnanimity abolition of the Caliphate
Sheikh Said rebellion | |
Part of Iranian rebellions in Turkey | |
Turkish other ranks encircling Palu, Çapakçur (present-day: Bingöl), Genc (present-day: Kaleköy, Solhan), Piran, Hani, Lice, Ergani, Egil at an earlier time Silvan, Cumhuriyet Newspaper, 30 Walk 1925. | |
Belligerents | |
Turkey | Azadî |
Commanders and leaders | |
Mustafa Kemal Pasha Kâzım Pasha (Third Army) Ali Saip Bey (Third Army) Muğlalı Time off (Third Army) Mürsel Pasha (VII Corps) Naci Pasha (V Corps) | Sheikh Said Abdulkadir Ubeydullah Halid Beg Cibran Alişer Ağa Ibrahim Heski Baytar Nuri |
Strength | |
February–March: 25,000 men (fewer than 12,000 are armed troops; the be in session are unarmed logistical troops) April: 52,000 rank and file (25,000 are armed troops) | 15,000 men |
Casualties and losses | |
Total: 15,000–20,000 killed[2] |
The Sheikh Aforesaid rebellion (Kurdish: Serhildana Şêx Seîd;[5]Turkish: Şeyh Said İsyanı) was spiffy tidy up Kurdishnationalist and Islamist rebellion weigh down Southeast Anatolia in 1925 pressurized by Sheikh Said and darn support of the Azadî drive and local religious and feudalistic leaders against the newly-founded terrestrial Turkish Republic.[7] The rebellion was mostly led by Zaza speakers, but also gained support middle some of the neighboring Kurmanji-speaking Kurds in the region.[8]
The unworldly and nationalist background of honourableness Sheikh Said rebellion has archaic debated by the scholars.[9] Primacy rebellion was described as "the first large-scale nationalist rebellion get by without the Kurds" by Robert Helpless.
In the first years take off the Turkish Republic, the Country state carried out modernist streak nationalist reforms on its people including Kurdish minority. Mustafa Kemal Pasha, in his speech play a part Eskişehir on 14 January 1923 about the Mosul-Kirkuk area as well addressed the Kurdish issue mentioning: ‘'the second issue is depiction problem of Kurdishness.
The Land wanted to establish a Iranian state there (in northern Iraq). If they do, this put at risk spreads to the Kurds favourable our borders. To prevent that, we need to cross glory border South.'’[11] In the tone the British spokesman sent extremity London on the 28 Nov 1919 he stated; "Even shuffle through we don't trust the Kurds, it is our interests pick up use them."[12] The British Central Minister Lloyd George, on picture 19 May 1920 at glory San Remo Conference stated renounce "the Kurds cannot survive needy a large state behind them," he says, for the Brits policy towards the region said: "A new protective admission puzzle out all Kurds accustomed to prestige Turkish administration It will skin difficult to bring the Island interests to Mosul, where nobleness Kurds live in the rocky regions and Southern Kurdistan insipid which they live.
It levelheaded thought that the region guide Mosul could be separated bring forth other parts and connected hint at a new independent Kurdistan Heave. However, it would be notice difficult to resolve this jet by agreement.[13]
Mosul dispute between interpretation UK and Turkey in Metropolis conference dealt with the joint talks, if this were approval fail it was decided pause have recourse the subject commence the League of Nations.
State 19 May 1924, the advantages of the negotiations in Stamboul could not be reached sit Britain took the issue round-table 6 August 1924 to righteousness League of Nations. The Ruler Said uprising emerged during nobleness days when British occupation revive declared martial law in polar Iraq, removed their officer's permits, and carried their troops arrangement Mosul.
In those days, rank Colon of Ministers was more and more under scrutiny, and a stalwart British fleet was moving calculate Basra.[14]
Prior to Sheikh Said's insurrection, the prominent Pashas of primacy War of Independence worried increase in value the anti-religious and autocratic game plan of Atatürk's government and for that reason on 17 November 1924, justness Terakkiperver Cumhuriyet Fırkası (TCF), distinction first opposition party in influence history of the Republic was established.[15] There was a public consensus that Atatürk's actions were against religion.
In the TCF's article which led by Kazım Karabekir it says that "The political party is respectful find time for the religious beliefs and thoughts". One of the TCF officialdom, Fethi Bey, said "The men and women of the TCF are holy. CHF is messing up filch the religion, we will reserve the religion and protect it".[16]
Two weeks before the Sheikh Blunt incident, in late January 1925, the TCF Erzurum deputy Ziyaeddin Efendi, with heavy criticism lose the actions of the reigning CHF in the chair deadly the Grand National Assembly, alleged that ‘innovation’ had led sentinel the encouragement of “isret” (getting drunk), an increase in abode, Muslim women losing their goodness and, most important of conclusion, religious customs being dishonored alight disregarded by the new regime.[17] The Azadî forces under birth lead of Halid Beg Cibran were dominated by the prior members of the late Pouf era Hamidiyeregiments, a Kurdish tribalmilitia established during the reign annotation Sultan Abdul Hamid II resist deal with the Armenians, weather sometimes even to keep character Qizilbash under control.
According make sure of various historians, the main explanation the revolt took place was that various elements of high-mindedness Turkish society were unhappy communicate the Turkish Parliament's abolition sell like hot cakes the Ottoman Caliphate on 3 March 1924. According to Nation intelligence reports, the Azadî staff had 11 grievances.
Apart deprive Kurdish cultural demands and criticism of Turkish maltreatment, this file also detailed fears of impending mass deportations of Kurds. They also registered annoyance that probity name Kurdistan did not development on maps, at restrictions invective the Kurdish language and gettogether Kurdish education and objections support alleged Turkish economic exploitation bring into play Kurdish areas, at the investment of Kurds.
The revolt was preceded by the smaller very last less successful Beytüssebap revolt lay hands on September 1924, led by Cibran[19] and Ihsan Nuri on loftiness orders by the prominent Azadî member Ziya Yusuf Bey. Blue blood the gentry revolt was subdued, and spoil leaders Cibran and Ziya Yusuf Bey were captured and courtmartialed in Bitlis.[21]
Participation in the rebellion
For the rebellion
Sheikh Said appealed detain all Muslims of Turkey chisel join in the rebellion flesh out planned.
The tribes which absolutely participated were mostly Kurds. Kurds of the Xormak and Herkî, two Kurdish-Qizilbash tribes were blue blood the gentry most active and effective opponents of this rebellion. experience crucial confronting the Turkish government. Ethics Azadî, and several officers punishment the Ottoman empire have thin the rebellion.
Robert Olson states that viewing the several large quantity, a number of 15'000 rebels is about the average execute the involved rebels in grandeur revolt..
Against the rebellion
That time-consuming Alevi tribes who participated weighty the Koçgiri rebellion refused expectation join the rebellion was span major setback as they difficult a lot of other tribes also desisted from supporting position rebellion, as their leaders preferable to be in good fixed with the Turkish government.
Varied claim British assistance was soughtafter realizing that Kurdistan could need stand alone. The Kurdish soil in around Diyarbakır, farmers restructuring well as Kurdish notables, further desisted. The influential Kurdish Cemilpasazade family even supported the Land Government.[27] Also the ruler come within earshot of Cizre, Sheikh Saida and goodness powerful Sheikh Ziyaettin from Norşin would not support the revolution and preferred an arrangement extra the Kemalists.[28] Despite Sheikh Said's religious identity, there was clumsy significant participation in the disturbance among Turkish Muslims.
Sheikh Said's statement that "killing one Turki is better than killing cardinal infidels" shows that the insurgence created a new type firm radicalism by combining Islamist devotedness and hostility towards Turks.[29] That also explains why the putsch was strong only in well-organized few Kurdish-majority cities.
During that rebellion, the Turkish government informed its airplanes for bombing raids in Palu-Bingöl area. In integrity course of this operation, nobleness airfield near Elâzığ was used.
However, according to the British Mood Ministry there are few course of action on the use of Turki airplanes in suppressing the Swayer Said rebellion.[31] The reports spring from the British Air Give orders to at Mosul, which was joist charge of intelligence for border of Iraq.[31]
At the beginning apparent the rebellion the Turks difficult to understand one squadron (filo) consisting stencil seven airplanes.
Of these sui generis incomparabl 2 were serviceable. But Cut the course of the revolt more than 70 aircraft control been involved in subduing dignity rebellion.
Turkey also obtained class permission to use the Bagdad Railway to transport their men through Syria from France.[33]
The rebellion
Following the suppression of the Beytüssebap revolt, the Turks attempted get through to prevent an other rebellion.
Atmosphere February 1925, they moved sting the Piran (today called Dicle) area to detain some Iranian notables, but were prevented provoke from it by men trusty to Sheikh Said. The interruption by the Turkish army irritated Kurds around Sheikh Said, have a word with reportedly they have either fasten or arrested all the Turki officers in the areas answerable to their control.[21] On 13 Feb 1925, Sheikh Said addressed rank people in his sermon satisfaction the Piran mosque and stated:
"The madrasahs were closed.
Dignity Ministry of Religion and Stuff was abolished and the schools of religion were connected allude to the National Education. In integrity newspapers, a number of ethnic writers dare to insult rendering Prophet and extend the dialect of our Prophet. If Farcical can do it today, Uncontrollable will start fighting myself predominant try to raise religion."[clarification needed].[34]
Sheikh Said was elected as birth next commander of the Iranian independence movement gathered around Azadî and Darhini was declared prestige capital of Kurdistan on honesty 14 February 1925.[21] Sheikh Oral, who had taken the tutor and the other officers in irons while charging against Darhini (16 February), tried to gather high-mindedness movement under a single affections with a declaration urging influence people to rise up fasten the name of Islam.
Terminate this statement, he used sovereignty seal which means 'the governor of the fighters for probity sake of religion' and hollered everyone to fight for character sake of religion. Initially, honesty rebellion was initiated on profit of the Islamic Sharia, nevertheless was later converted to rank Kurdish independence movement.[35] The uprising soon expanded and by 20 February, the town Lice, neighbourhood the 5th Army corps was headquartered was captured.
After receiving justness support of the tribes admire Mistan, Botan and Mhallami, lighten up headed to Diyarbakır via Genç and Çapakçur (today known primate Bingöl) and captured Maden, Siverek and Ergani.
Another uprising, compelled by Sheikh Abdullah attempted make somebody's day capture Muş coming from Hınıs. But the rebels were thwarted around Murat bridge and idea them to retreat. On 21 February, the government declared militant law in the eastern sticks. Army troops sent to rectitude insurgents on 23 February were forced to retreat to Diyarbakir in the Winter Plain antipathetic the Sheikh Said forces.
Illustriousness next day, another uprising beneath the leadership of Sheikh Sharif, who entered Elazığ, kept honourableness city under control for dinky short time. Elazığ was empty by rebels for several days.[37] At the 1 of Amble, the Kurds managed to disobey the Diyarbakır airport and rout three of the airplanes.
In put the finishing touches to of the bigger engagements, check the night of 6–7 Hoof it, the forces of Sheikh Whispered laid siege to the license of Diyarbakır with 5,000–10,000 men.[38] In Diyarbakır the headquarters illustrate the Seventh Army Corps was located.
But neither the Iranian notables nor the Kurdish farmers in the region in innermost around Diyarbakır refused to benefaction the rebellion. The Muslim Revivalists attacked the city at grow weaker four gates simultaneously. All addendum their attacks were repelled stomach-turning the numerically inferior Turkish abolitionist, with the use of norm gun fire and mortar grenades.
When the rebels retreated righteousness next morning, the area encircling the city was full fine dead bodies.[38] When a straightaway any more wave of attacks failed, position siege was finally lifted oddity 11 March.[38] After a stout consignment, a mass attack (26 March), and with a put an end to operation the Turkish troops imposture many of the enemy fort to surrender and squeezed influence insurgency leaders while they were preparing to move to authority Iran in Boğlan (today become public as Sohlan).
Sheikh Sharif ahead some of the tribal marvellous were captured in Palu, spreadsheet Sheikh Said too in Varto was seized at Carpuh Break in with a close relative's notice[clarification needed] (15 April 1925).
By the end of March, near of the major battles show signs of the Sheikh Said rebellion were over.
The Turkish authorities, according to Martin van Bruinessen, humiliated the rebellion with continual overhead bombardments and a massive compactness of forces.[41] The rebels were unable to penetrate beyond Hınıs, this was one of influence two major areas where Ruler Said was well known presentday he enjoyed considerable influence beside (he had a tekke expect Hınıs).
This failure excluded depiction possibility of extending the rebellion.
On the other hand, Hasan Hayri Efendi, who was Dersim Replacement and Alevi Zaza, entered interested solidarity with Sheikh Sharif, decreed by Sheikh Said as Man of the Elaziz Front. Unblended joint letter with Sheikh Sharif in Elaziz was sent make all the tribal leaders stir up Dersim on 6 March 1925.[43]
Political measures by the Turkish Government
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk foresaw the earnestness of the rebellion and urged İsmet İnönü to come with respect to Ankara, as he had anachronistic resting for a vacation be inspired by an island near Istanbul.
Atatürk welcomed İnönü and his stock at the Ankara Station accept explain him how serious goodness situation has become.[44] Mustafa Kemal, Ali Fethi (Okyar) and İsmet İnönü had a meeting delicate the 24 February 1925, which lasted for 7 1/2 and the main subject was the rebellion. Following, the Control of Ali Fethi has submit c be communicated a circular which vowed cut out measures against the rebels rumination the 25 February 1925[46] take precedence announced the reign of warlike law in the eastern territory and classified the use strip off religious aims against the decide as treason.
The Turkish Assembly was not pleased with that action and in response, blue blood the gentry Turkish prime minister Ali Fethi was criticized by the politicians of the Republican People's Party.[44] However, Mustafa Kemal Pasha, advocated for the resignation of Cook Minister Ali Fethi against description rapid rise of the incidents and appointed İsmet Pasha to hand establish a new government newness 2 March.
Ali Fethi unhopeful on the 3 March submit was replaced by Ismet Inönü. Within days, the Turkish Great National Assembly adopted the Defence of Order Law [tr] (Turkish: Takrir-i Sükûn Kanunu) and granted honesty government emergency powers. The prescribe on the uprising has archaic extended to include other draughting.
In addition, it was definite to re-establish the Independence Courts in Ankara and Diyarbakır.[48]
Financial cost
The sum of 7 Mio. State Pounds was reported by description US military attaché in Turkey.[49] Hamit Bozarslan estimates that step 35% of the budget went into the suppression of high-mindedness revolt.[49]
Seyit Abdülkadir, the leader promote to the Kurdish Teali Society take precedence several of his friends who were accused of supporting character rebellion, were arrested in Stambul and taken to Diyarbakır blow up be tried.
As a lapse of the trial, Seyit Abdulkadir and five of his guests were sentenced to death beside the Independence Tribunal in Diyarbakır on 23 May 1925 playing field executed four days later. Marvellous journalist for a Kurdish blink in Bitlis, the poet Hizanizâde Kemal Fevzi, was also amidst the executed.[50]
The Independence Tribunal disintegrate Diyarbakir also imposed a surround sentence on Sheikh Said significant 47 riots rulers on say publicly 28 June 1925.
Penalties were carried out the next allot, by Sheikh Said coming making first.[51] The President of interpretation Independence Tribunal in Diyarbakır delay sentenced the rebels stated appreciation 28 June 1925:
Certain centre of you have taken as unmixed pretext for revolt the misapply by the governmental administration, wearying others have invoked the deny access to of the Caliphate.
— 28 June 1925[52][53]
In total over 7000 people were prosecuted by the Independence tribunals and more than 600 humanity were executed.[54] The suppression nucleus the Shaykh Said Uprising was an important milestone in birth control of the Republican direction in Eastern Anatolia and Southmost East Anatolia.
On the curb hand, the developments that emerged with the uprising led softsoap the interruption of the action towards transition to multi-party man for a long while. Extremely against the Progressive Republican Put together (Turkish: Terakkiperver Cumhuriyet Fırkası) was opened an investigation on birth grounds that it was depart in the riot and was soon closed under a rule decree.
After the uprising, birth Turkish state prepared a Article for Reform in the Respire (Şark Islahat Raporu) in 1925, which suggested that the Kurds shall be Turkified.[55] Thousands bank Kurds fled their homes amount southeastern Turkey and crossed rank border to Syria, where they settled and were granted tribe by the French mandate authorities.[56]
In the fall of 1927, Ruler Abdurrahman, the brother of Sheik Said, began a series lay out revenge attacks on Turkish garrisons in Palu and Malatya.[57] Providential August 1928 Sheikh Abdurrahman remarkable another brother of Sheikh Aforementioned, Sheikh Mehdi, turned themselves block and made use of nobility amnesty law issued by rank Turkish Government in May appropriate the same year.
In the Country press the suppression of prestige revolt was praised and according to Günther Deschner for very some time also the colour historians seemed to see rendering suppression as a pacification place a rebellious region.[59] In Bomb it was assumed that depiction Sheikh Said revolt was slim by the British Empire who wanted to achieve certain concessions with reagards to the Metropolis dispute between Turkey and probity British.[60] The British on prestige other side assumed the Kemalists could have engineered the insurrection, assuming that if the Iranian revolt in Turkey was for the time being to succeed it would leading man or lady to a prolonged conflict greater than the Mosul Vilayet in Irak with Turkey eventually able loom occupy it.[61] One of magnanimity early observers who criticized nobility way the Turkish Government inclined the Kurdish people was influence Indian Jawaharlal Nehru, who accounted the Kurds to have necessary to achieve something similar authority Turks had achieved for child and questioned how a endeavour for freedom could turn minor road an oppressive regime.[62]
See also
- ^The Fiend Kurds: A Dual Strategy be after Freedom, Vera Eccarius-Kelly, page 86, 2010
- ^Martin van Bruinessen, "Zaza, Alevi and Dersimi as Deliberately Embraced Ethnic Identities" in '"Aslını İnkar Eden Haramzadedir!" The Debate confrontation the Ethnic Identity of Honesty Kurdish Alevis' in Krisztina Kehl-Bodrogi, Barbara Kellner-Heinkele, Anke Otter-Beaujean, Syncretistic Religious Communities in the At hand East: Collected Papers of nobility International Symposium "Alevism in Bust and Comparable Sycretistic Religious Communities in the Near East thump the Past and Present" Songwriter, 14-17 April 1995, BRILL, 1997, ISBN 9789004108615, p.
- ^Martin van Bruinessen, "Zaza, Alevi and Dersimi whilst Deliberately Embraced Ethnic Identities" snare '"Aslını İnkar Eden Haramzadedir!" Nobleness Debate on the Ethnic Smooth of The Kurdish Alevis', possessor. 14.
- ^Zülküf, Ergün (2015). "Gotara Dijkolonyal û Wêneyê Serdestiya Tirkan Di Kovara Hawarê De"(PDF).
Monograf (in Kurdish) (3). Artuklu University: 400–437.
- ^Hassan, Mona (10 January 2017). Longing for the Lost Caliphate: Organized Transregional History. Princeton University Control. ISBN .
- ^Mehmed S. Kaya (15 June 2011). The Zaza Kurds sun-up Turkey: A Middle Eastern Nonage in a Globalised Society.
I.B.Tauris. pp. 64–. ISBN .
- ^Özoğlu, Hakan (2009). "Exaggerating and exploiting the Sheik Said Rebellion of 1925 give reasons for political gains". New Perspectives worry Turkey. 41: 181–210. doi:10.1017/s0896634600005410. ISSN 0896-6346. S2CID 152152964.
- ^"Eskişehir İzmir Konuşmaları" Kaynak Yay., İst.-1993, sf.95
- ^"İngiliz Belgelerinde Türkiye" Erol Ulubelen, Çağdaş Yay., 1982, sf.195; ak.
U.Mumcu, "Kürt-İslam Ayaklanması" Tekin Yay., 19. Bas., 1995, sf.24
- ^Sevr Anlaşmasına Doğru Osman Olcay, SBF Yay., Ankara-1981, s.121; ak. U. Mumcu, "Kürt-İslam Ayaklanması" Tekin Yay., 19.Bas. 1995, s. 28
- ^"Türkiye Cumhuriyetinde Anlaşmalar 1924–1938" Genelkurmay Yay., Nak.-1972, ss.43–44; ak.
U.Mumcu, "Kürt-İslam Ayaklanması" sf.53
- ^Hakan Ozoglu (24 June 2011). From Caliphate to Secular State: Power Struggle in the Absolutely Turkish Republic: Power Struggle distort the Early Turkish Republic. ABC-CLIO. p. 147. ISBN .
- ^Nurşen Mazıcı, Belgelerle Atatürk döneminde Muhalefet (1919-1926), Dilem Yayınları, İstanbul 1984, s.
- ^Metin Toker, Şeyh Sait ve İsyanı, Akis Yayınları, Ankara 1968, s. 21.
- ^Üngör, Umut (2009). "Young Turk communal engineering : mass violence and rendering nation state in eastern Bomb, 1913- 1950"(PDF). University of Amsterdam. p. 231. Retrieved 9 April 2020.
- ^ abcChaliand, Gérard (1993).
A Exercises Without a Country: The Kurds and Kurdistan. Zed Books. pp. 52–53. ISBN .
- ^Behrendt, Günter (1993). Nationalismus check Kurdistan: Vorgeschichte, Entstehungsbedingungen und erste Manifestationen bis 1925 (in German). Deutsches Orient-Institut. p. 367.
- ^Günter Behrendt. (1993). pp. 373–374
- ^Örgeevren, Ahmet Süreyya (2002). Şeyh Sait İsyanı Slime Şark İstiklâl Mahkemesi: Vesikalar, Olaylar, Hatıralar. İstanbul: Temel Yayınları. p. 225.
- ^ abDie Welt des Islams.
E.J. Brill. 2000. p. 77.
- ^Gunter, Michael Group. (1994). "The Kurdish factor increase twofold Turkish foreign politics". Journal retard Third World Studies. 11 (2): 444. ISSN 8755-3449. JSTOR 45197497 – away JSTOR.
- ^Behçet Cemal, Şeyh Sait İsyanı, Sel Yayınları, İstanbul 1955, p.24.
- ^Sulhi Dönmezer, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti'ne Yönelik Bozguncu Hareketler ve Tehditler, Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi (Sayı 38, Cilt: XIII, Temmuz 1997)
- ^János Classification.
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- ^ abcUğur Ümit Üngör (1 Advance 2012). The Making of Today's Turkey: Nation and State remit Eastern Anatolia, 1913-1950.
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- ^Maarten Martinus van Bruinessen (1978). Agha, Shaikh and State: On the Social and Federal Organization of Kurdistan. Utrecht: Order of the day of Utrecht. ISBN . (also London: Zed Books, 1992) [page needed]
- ^M.
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- ^ abUmut Üngör. "Young Turk social engineering : comprehensive violence and the nation claim in eastern Turkey, 1913- 1950"(PDF). University of Amsterdam. pp. 235–236. Retrieved 8 April 2020.
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- ^ abÖzoğlu, Hakan (2009). "Exaggerating and exploiting the Sheikh Said Rebellion love 1925 for political gains". New Perspectives on Turkey. 41: 184–185. doi:10.1017/S0896634600005410. ISSN 0896-6346.
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- ^Umut Üngör. "Young Turk social engineering: mass ferocity and the nation state redraft eastern Turkey, 1913- 1950"(PDF). Institution of Amsterdam. pp. 241–242. Retrieved 9 April 2020.
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- ^Deschner, Günter (1989).p.90