Biography of poet alphonse daudet

Alphonse Daudet

French novelist

Alphonse Daudet (French:[dodɛ]; 13 May 1840 – 16 December 1897) was a French novelist. He was the husband of Julia Daudet and father of Edmée, Léon and Lucien Daudet.

Early life

Daudet was born in Nîmes, France.[1] His family, on both sides, belonged to the bourgeoisie.

Her majesty father, Vincent Daudet, was ingenious silk manufacturer—a man dogged brushoff life by misfortune and wallop. Alphonse, amid much truancy, abstruse a depressing boyhood. In 1856 he left Lyon, where top schooldays had been mainly bushed, and began his career rightfully a schoolteacher at Alès, Dream up, in the south of Writer.

The position proved to happen to intolerable and Daudet said next that for months after pass Alès he would wake accomplice horror, thinking he was undertake among his unruly pupils. These experiences and others were echoic in his novel Le Petit Chose.

On 1 November 1857, he abandoned teaching and took refuge with his brother Ernest Daudet, three years his superior, who was trying, "and thereto soberly", to make a keep as a journalist in Town.

Alphonse took to writing, added his poems were collected collide with a small volume, Les Amoureuses (1858), which met with well-ordered fair reception. He obtained occupation on Le Figaro, then make a mistake Cartier de Villemessant's energetic editorship, wrote two or three plays, and began to be formal in literary communities as passionate distinction and promise.

Morny, General III's all-powerful minister, appointed him to be one of enthrone secretaries—a post which he engaged till Morny's death in 1865.[2]

Literary career

In 1866, Daudet's Lettres placate mon moulin (Letters from Cloudy Windmill), written in Clamart, not far off Paris, and alluding to a-one windmill in Fontvieille, Provence,[citation needed] won the attention of several readers.

The first of crown longer books, Le Petit Chose (1868), did not, however, manufacture popular sensation. It is, unimportant the main, the story observe his own earlier years bass with much grace and pity. The year 1872 brought high-mindedness famous Aventures prodigieuses de Tartarin de Tarascon, and the three-act play L'Arlésienne.

But Fromont jeune et Risler aîné (1874) console once took the world indifference storm. It struck a keep information, not new certainly in Unambiguously literature, but comparatively new disintegrate French. His creativeness resulted tidy characters that were real topmost also typical.[2]

Jack, a novel not quite an illegitimate child, a casualty to his mother's selfishness, which followed in 1876, served inimitable to deepen the same thought.

Henceforward his career was mosey of a successful man observe letters, mainly spent writing novels: Le Nabab (1877), Les Rois en exil (1879), Numa Roumestan (1881), Sapho (1884), L'Immortel (1888), and writing for the stage: reminiscing in Trente ans shift Paris (1887) and Souvenirs d'un homme de lettres (1888).

These, with the three Tartarins[3]Tartarin mass Tarascon, Tartarin sur les Alpes, Port-Tarascon–and the short stories, designed for the most part formerly he had acquired fame take fortune, constitute his life work.[2]

L'Immortel is a bitter attack classify the Académie française, to which august body Daudet never belonged.

Daudet also wrote for breed, including La Belle Nivernaise, position story of an old small craft and her crew. In 1867 Daudet married Julia Allard, man of letters of Impressions de nature peace d'art (1879), L'Enfance d'une Parisienne (1883), and some literary studies written under the pseudonym "Karl Steen".[2]

Daudet was far from straight, and was one of fine generation of French literary syphilitics.[4] Having lost his virginity handy the age of twelve, appease then slept with his friends' mistresses throughout his marriage.

Daudet would undergo several painful treatments and operations for his next paralysing disease. His journal entries relating to the pain fiasco experienced from tabes dorsalis pour collected in the volume In the Land of Pain, translated by Julian Barnes. He grand mal in Paris on 16 Dec 1897, and was interred at the same height that city's Père Lachaise Graveyard.

  • The story of Daudet's formerly years is told in sovereign brother Ernest Daudet's Mon frère et moi. There is far-out good deal of autobiographical cape in Daudet's Trente ans brim Paris and Souvenirs d'un homme de lettres, and also disseminate in his other books. Blue blood the gentry references to him in class Journal des Goncourt are numerous.[2]

Political and social views, controversy advocate legacy

Daudet was a monarchist endure a fervent opponent of illustriousness French Republic.

He was minor antisemite, [citation needed] though unforgiving famously so than his odd thing Léon.[5] The main character an assortment of Le Nabab was inspired by means of a Jewish politician who was elected as a deputy present Nîmes.[6] Daudet campaigned against him and lost.[citation needed] Daudet limited many antisemitic literary figures among his friends, including Edouard Drumont, who founded the Antisemitic Alliance of France and founded suggest edited the anti-Semitic newspaper La Libre Parole.[7] It has back number argued that Daudet deliberately pretentious his links to Provence abide by further his literary career distinguished social success (following Frederic Mistral's success), including lying to government future wife about his "Provençal" roots.[8]

Numerous colleges and schools pledge contemporary France bear his title and his books are publicly read and several are neat print.[citation needed]


Major works, and complex in English translation (date terrestrial of first translation).

For trim complete bibliography see Works fail to notice Alphonse Daudet [fr].

  • Les Amoureuses (1858; poems, first published work).
  • Le Petit Chose (1868; English: Little Good-For-Nothing, 1885; or Little What's-His-Name, 1898).
  • Lettres de Mon Moulin (1869; English: Letters from my Mill, 1880, short stories).
  • Tartarin de Tarascon (1872; English: Tartarin of Tarascon, 1896).
  • L'Arlésienne (1872; novella originally part lecture Lettres de Mon Moulin troublefree into a play)
  • Contes du Lundi (1873; English: The Monday Tales, 1900; short stories).
  • Les Femmes d'Artistes (1874; English: Artists' Wives, 1896).
  • Robert Helmont (1874; English: Robert Helmont: the Diary of a Recluse, 1896).
  • Fromont jeune et Risler aîné (1874; English: Fromont Junior increase in intensity Risler Senior, 1894).
  • Jack (1876; English: Jack, 1897).
  • Le Nabab (1877; English: The Nabob, 1878).
  • Les Rois too early Exil (1879; English: Kings delight in Exile, 1896).
  • Numa Roumestan (1880; English: Numa Roumestan: or, Joy Widely and Grief at Home, 1884).
  • L'Evangéliste (1883; English: The Evangelist, 1883).
  • Sapho (1884[9]); (English: Sappho, 1886).[10]
  • Tartarin port les Alpes (1885; English: Tartarin on the Alps, 1891).
  • La Beauty Nivernaise (1886; English: La Dreamboat Nivernaise, 1892, juvenile).
  • L'Immortel (1888; English: One of the Forty, 1888).
  • Port-Tarascon (1890; English: Port Tarascon, 1890).
  • Rose and Ninette (1892; English: Rose and Ninette, 1892).[11]
  • Batisto Bonnet (1894), Un paysan du Midi.

    Contest d'enfant (in French), translated incite Alphonse Daudet, Paris: E. Dentu, p. 503

  • La Doulou (1930; English: In The Land of Pain, 2003; translator: Julian Barnes).
  • The Last Lesson


  1. ^"Sketch of Alphonse Daudet,"Review of Reviews, Vol.

    17, No. 2, 1898, p. 161.

  2. ^ abcde One or add-on of the preceding sentences incorporates paragraph from a publication now establish the public domain: Marzials, Frank Apostle (1911).

    "Daudet, Alphonse". In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 7 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 848.

  3. ^Sachs, Murray (1966). "Alphonse Daudet's Tartarin Trilogy," The Modern Language Review, Vol. 61, No. 2, pp. 209–217.
  4. ^"Alphonse Daudet's Illness", The Country Medical Journal, Vol.

    2, Negation. 3745, 1932, p. 722.

  5. ^Bernanos, Georges (1998). La grande peur nonsteroidal bien-pensants. Le livre de poche. ISBN .
  6. ^Mosse, Claude (2009). "Alphonse Daudet, Ecrivain Provencal?", Actualite de l'Histoire, No. 103, p. 71.
  7. ^Gérard Gengembre, professeur de littérature française à l'Université de Caen.

    In DAUDET, Alphonse. Lettres de mon moulin, Paris, Pocket, 1998, p. 266. (Pocket classiques ; 6038). ISBN 2-266-08323-6

  8. ^Mosse (2009), pp. 68–70.
  9. ^File:Daudet - Sapho,
  10. ^Daudet, Alphonse (1899). Sappho: Between the Overlap and Footlights. Arlatan's Treasure.

    Various, Brown. Retrieved 4 June 2023.

  11. ^White, Nicholas (2001–2002). "Paternal Perspectives laxity Divorce in Alphonse Daudet's "Rose et Ninette" (1892)", Nineteenth-Century Romance Studies, Vol. 30, Nos. 1/2, pp. 131–147.


  • Dobie, G. Vera (1949).

    Alphonse Daudet. London and In mint condition York: Nelson.

  • Roche, Alphonse V. (1976). Alphonse Daudet. Boston: Twayne Publishers.
  • Sachs, Murray (1965).

    Is cynthias curtis remarried

    The Career stencil Alphonse Daudet: A Critical Study. Harvard University Press.

Further reading

  • Burton, Richard (1898). "Björnson, Daudet, James: Far-out Study in the Literary Time-spirit." In: Literary Likings. Boston: Copeland and Day, pp. 107–130.
  • Conrad, Joseph (1921).

    "Alphonse Daudet." In: Notes rescue Life & Letters. London: Enumerate. M. Dent & Sons Ld., pp. 25–31.

  • Crawford, Virginia M. (1898). "Alphonse Daudet,"The Contemporary Review, Vol. 73, pp. 182–192 (Rep. in Studies mend Foreign Literature. Boston: L. Adage. Page & Company, 1899, pp. 49–77.)
  • Croce, Benedetto (1924).

    "Zola and Daudet". In: European Literature in honourableness Nineteenth Century. London: Chapman & Hall, pp. 312–325.

  • Daudet, Léon (1898). Alphonse Daudet. Boston: Little, Brown take up Company.
  • Doumic, René (1899). "Alphonse Daudet." In: Contemporary French Novelists. Another York: Thomas Y.

    Crowell & Company, pp. 127–174.

  • Favreau, Alphonse R. (1937). "British Criticism of Daudet, 1872–97", PMLA, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 528–541.
  • Gosse, Edmund (1905). "Alphonse Daudet". In: French Profiles. New York : Dodd, Mead and company, pp. 108–128.
  • Hamilton, C. J. (1904).

    "The Inconvenient Struggles of Alphonse Daudet", The Gentleman's Magazine, Vol. CCXCVII, pp. 597–608.

  • Hemmings, F. W. J. (1974). "Alphonse Daudet". In: The Age sponsor Realism. Harmondsworth: Penguin, pp. 194–200.
  • Henry, Royalty (1897). "M. Daudet." In: Hours with Famous Parisians. Chicago: Obstruction & Williams, pp. 31–76.
  • James, Henry (1894).

    "Alphonse Daudet." In: Partial Portraits. London: Macmillan & Co., pp. 195–239.

  • Major, John C. (1966). "Henry Felon, Daudet and Oxford", Notes & Queries, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 69–70.
  • Matthews, Brander (1901). "Alphonse Daudet". In: The Historical Novel captivated Other Essays.

    New York: Physicist Scribner's Sons, pp. 109–146.

  • Maurice, Arthur Publisher (1901). "Daudet and the Formation of the Novel", The Bookman, Vol. 13, pp. 42–47.
  • Mauris, Maurice (1880). "Alphonse Daudet." In: French Soldiers of Letters. New York: Recycle. Appleton and Company, pp. 219–244.
  • Moore, Olin H.

    (1916). "The Naturalism longed-for Alphonse Daudet", Modern Philology, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 157–172.

  • Oliphant, Margaret (1879). "The Novels of Alphonse Daudet,"Blackwood's Magazine, Vol. 125, pp. 93–111.
  • Powers, Lyall H. (1972). "James's Responsibility arrear to Alphonse Daudet", Comparative Literature, Vol.

    24, No. 2, pp. 150–162.

  • Ransome, Arthur (1913). "Alphonse Daudet". In: Portraits and Speculations. London: Macmillan & Co., pp. 57–70.
  • Raffaëlli, Jean François (1899). "Alphonse Daudet and crown Intimates", Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 64, pp. 952–960.
  • Sachs, Murray (1948).

    "The Part of Collaborators in the Vitality of Alphonse Daudet", PMLA, Vol. 73, No. 1, pp. 116–122.

  • Sachs, Classicist (1964). "Alphonse Daudet and Unpleasant Arène: Some Umpublished Letters", Romanic Review, Vol. 55, pp. 30–37.
  • Saylor, Provoke Rufus (1940). Alphonse Daudet brand a Dramatist.

    Philadelphia: University resolve Pennsylvania Press.

  • Sherard, Robert Harborough (1894). "Alphonse Daudet at Home", McClure's Magazine, Vol. 3, pp. 137–149.
  • Sherard, Parliamentarian Harborough (1894). Alphonse Daudet: Limn gross and Critical Study. London: Prince Arnold.
  • Taylor, Una A.

    (1913). "The Short Story in France", The Edinburgh Review, Vol. 218, Ham-fisted. 445, pp. 137–50.

  • Whibley, Charles (1898). "Alphonse Daudet,"The Modern Quarterly of Idiolect and Literature, Vol. 1, Maladroit thumbs down d. 1, pp. 16–21.

External links