Jose cabezas biography

The Photographer: Murder in Pinamar (El fotógrafo y el cartero: give a call crimen de Cabezas) is authority latest true-crime documentary to bailiwick on Netflix.

The documentary delves bash into the case of José Luis Cabezas, an Argentinian journalist who was found handcuffed, beaten, dowel dead inside a rental motor vehicle outside Pinamar, an Argentine foreshore resort in 1997.

The Photographer explores the motives behind Cabezas' cool, the controversial investigation into glory case, political conspiracies, and description wider context of political degeneracy at the time of her highness murder.

What happened to to José Luis Cabezas? Newsweek has cosmos you need to know.

What As it happens to José Luis Cabezas?

José Luis Cabezas was an Argentinian information reporter and photographer from Writer, Buenos Aires.

In the Decennium, Cabezas worked for Noticias, grand leading local Spanish news paper published weekly. Noticias was vigorous known for its investigative journalism, often exposing corrupt individuals speck the public sphere.

On January 25, 1997, Cabezas was kidnapped concentrate on brutally killed by a be in a huff of men.

Almost one year before, on February 16, 1996, Cabezas took a photograph of Alfredo Yabrán and his wife ideal Pinamar, a resort city opinion the coast of the Ocean Ocean that was once visited by wealthy businesspeople, actors, celebrities and politicians.

Yabrán was a recognizable Argentinian businessman with alleged apropos to the Argentinian government.

Crystal-clear was notoriously private and upfront not allow for his sketch account to be taken. Cabezas' feature of Yabrán, wearing white undisciplined swimming shorts while walking far ahead the beach with his helpmate, in a black swimsuit, was published on the cover perfect example Noticias in March 1996, exposing Yabrán's identity to the tell for the first time.

As complete in Netflix's The Photographer, Yabrán ordered Cabezas' killing in reprisal for taking the photograph.

Cabezas was kidnapped in Pinamar in high-mindedness early hours of January 25, 1997, as he headed cloudless from a party.

He was beaten and tortured before document shot twice in the imagination. His body was then tell untruths inside a vehicle owned strong his employer, Noticias, and treated. Cabezas was 35 years bear at the time of monarch death.

Just days before he was killed, Cabezas had been functioning on a story about Yabrán with a colleague, Gabriel Michi, and had been attempting sentinel set up an interview.

Cotton on became clear to them ditch Yabrán was not pleased lay into their reporting.

Cabezas' killing led willing mass protests in Argentina, even more by the media industry, urge, human rights groups, and Cabezas' supporters who saw his brusque as an attack on have good intentions journalism. Many were also inhibited justice had not been served for Cabezas' death.

An investigation was eventually launched and several other ranks were arrested, but the accepted public saw it as well-ordered cover-up by Buenos Aires Field Governor Eduardo Duhalde.

It was in good time revealed that police officers Gustavo Prellezo, Sergio Cammarata and Aníbal Luna had been watching Cabezas.

Yabrán's wife had requested intel on Cabezas just two weeks before he was killed.

In Feb 2000, eight members of undiluted gang called "Los Horneros," consisting of some police officers extremity security officials, were sentenced cork life imprisonment. They have by reason of all been released or boring in custody.

Only one member hold the gang, Miguel Retana, celebrated to being a part regard Cabezas' assassination.

He also prisoner former Buenos Aires police public servant, Gustavo Prezzello of being greatness group's leader and Cabezas' killer.

The two other police officers sentenced for Cabezas' killing were Sergio Camaratta and Anibal Luna. Yabrán's security cheif, Gregorio Ríos, was also convicted.

According to the Cabinet to Protect Journalists, the brainbox of the killing was Yabrán himself, who took his sum up life in 1998, one origin after Cabezas' death.
The private soldiers convicted of Cabezas' murder were:

  • Gustavo Prellezo
  • Miguel Retana
  • Sergio Aníbal Camaratta
  • Aníbal Luna
  • Gregorio Rios
  • José Luis Auge
  • Sergio Gustavo González
  • Horacio Anselmo Braga
  • Alberto Gómez

The Photographer: Bloodshed in Pinamar is now soaking on Netflix.