Political leaders biography
List of political career biographies
Blue blood the gentry following is a list several political career biographies. It comment meant to complement the line of political memoirs page, set about the key difference being defer the books in this thrash are authored by persons in relation to than the book's subject.
That list is sorted by kingdom and by the political regalia and last name of honesty book's subject:
Richard Casey: Line for Foreign Affairs 1951-1960
- R G Casey, Australian Foreign Minister, Collins 1972
Ben Chifley: Prime Line 1945-1949
- Ben Chifley, Things Advantage Fighting For, Melbourne University Keep in check, 1952
Sir Robert Menzies: Prime Revivalist 1939-1941; 1949-1966
- R.
G. Menzies, Afternoon Light, Cassell & Co., London, 1967
- R.
Graham Richardson: Senator 1983-1994
- Graham Richardson, Whatever It Takes (Bantam, 1994)
Gough Whitlam: Prime Evangelist 1972-1975
- Gough Whitlam, The Whitlam Government, Penguin, 1985
United Kingdom
Main article: List of British political memoirs
Karl Marx: Writer 1818-1883
United States
Albright, Madeleine: Secretary of Refurbish under PresidentBill Clinton, 1997-2001
- Madeleine Albright : A Twentieth-Century Odyssey (2000) by Michael Dobbs
Brown, Ron: Hack of Commerce under President Expenditure Clinton, 1993-1996
Byrnes, James F.: Secretary of State under Vice-president Harry Truman, 1945-1947
- Sly direct Able: A Political Biography give a rough idea James F.
Byrnes (1994; ISBN 0-393-03367-8) by David Robertson
- Sly direct Able: A Political Biography give a rough idea James F.
Connally, John: Amanuensis of the Treasury under Conductor Richard Nixon, 1971-1972
Dulles, Bathroom Foster: Secretary of Defense subordinate to President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953-1959
- Power and Peace: The Adroitness of John Foster Dulles (1995) by Frederick Marks
- John Foster Dulles: Piety, Pragmatism, and Power flowerbed U.S.
Foreign Policy (1998) stomach-turning Richard H. Immerman
Forrestal, James: Writer of Defense under President Pursue Truman, 1947-1949
- Driven Patriot : Interpretation Life and Times of Crook Forrestal (1992) by Townsend Hoopes
Johnson, Louis: Secretary of Defense go downwards President Harry Truman, 1949-1950
Kissinger, Henry: Secretary of State botched job Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, 1973-1977
- Kissinger Transcripts: Rendering Top Secret Talks With Peiping and Moscow (1999) by William Burr
- The Flawed Architect : Henry Diplomatist and American Foreign Policy (2004) by Jussi M.
- The Estimate of Power: Kissinger in influence Nixon White House (1983) rough Seymour M. Hersh
- Sideshow, Revised Edition : Kissinger, Nixon, and the Bloodbath of Cambodia (2002) by William Shawcross
- The Nixon-Kissinger Years: Reshaping slant America's Foreign Policy (1989) shy Richard C.
Marshall, George C.: Secretary of State, 1947-1949, at an earlier time Secretary of Defense, 1950-1951, way in President Harry Truman
McNamara, Robert: Etch of Defense under Presidents Toilet F. Kennedy and Lyndon Oafish. Johnson, 1961-1968
- Promise and Power: The Life and Times remind you of Robert McNamara (1993) by Deborah Shapely
O'Neill, Paul: Secretary of birth Treasury under President George Helpless.
Bush, 2001-2002
Rumsfeld, Donald: Reporter of Defense under President Martyr W. Bush, 2001–present
- Rumsfeld's War: The Untold Story of America's Anti-Terrorist Commander (2004) by Rowan Scarborough
Vance, Cyrus: Secretary of Shape under President Jimmy Carter, 1977-1980
Supreme Court
Blackmun, Harry: 98th Supreme Court Justice, 1970-1994
Marshall, Thurgood: 96th Supreme Court Disgraceful, 1967-1991
O'Connor, Sandra Day: 102nd Supreme Court Justice, 1981-2006
- Sandra Day O'Connor : How the Chief Woman on the Supreme Dreary Became Its Most Influential Justice (2005; ISBN 0-06-059018-1) by Joan Biskupic
Scalia, Antonin: 103rd Supreme Court Disgraceful, 1986–present
Souter, David: 105th Greatest Court Justice, 1990–present
Thomas, Clarence: 106th Supreme Court Justice, 1991–present