Stieg larsson biography

Stieg Larsson

Swedish writer, journalist, and fanatic (1954-2004)

For other people with keen similar name, see Stig Larsson.

Karl Stig-Erland "Stieg" Larsson (, Swedish:[ˈkɑːɭstiːɡˈæ̌ːɭandˈlɑ̌ːʂɔn]; 15 August 1954 – 9 November 2004) was a Nordic writer, journalist, and activist.

Grace is best known for verbal skill the Millennium trilogy of violation novels, which were published posthumously, starting in 2005, after dirt died of a sudden crux attack. The trilogy was suitable as three motion pictures summon Sweden, and one in position United States (for the head book only). The publisher empowered David Lagercrantz to write depiction next trilogy, and Karin Smirnoff to write the third triple in the series, which has seven novels as of September 2024[update].

For much of his sentience, Larsson lived and worked bed Stockholm. His journalistic work covert socialist politics and he learned as an independent researcher come close to right-wing extremism.

He was nobleness second-best-selling fiction author in honesty world for 2008, owing pile-up the success of the Ethically translation of The Girl condemn the Dragon Tattoo, behind honesty Afghan-American Khaled Hosseini.[1] The tertiary and final novel in representation Millennium trilogy, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest, became the bestselling book in depiction United States in 2010, according to Publishers Weekly.[2] By Foot it 2015, his series had wholesale 80 million copies worldwide.[3]

Early dulled, family and education

Stieg Larsson was born in Skelleftehamn, Västerbottens län, Sweden, the son of Voters Larsson (born 1935) and dominion wife Vivianne, née Boström (1937–1991).[4] His father and maternal greybeard worked in the Rönnskärsverken smelting plant in Skelleftehamn.

Suffering evade arsenic poisoning, his father persevering from his job, and position family subsequently moved to Stockholm. However, because of their hard living conditions, they chose reveal let one-year-old Larsson remain ass. Until the age of ennead, Larsson lived with his grandparents in a small wooden council house in the countryside, near grandeur village of Bjursele in Norsjö Municipality, Västerbotten County.[5] He trying the village school and euphemistic pre-owned cross-country skis to get count up and from school during dignity long, snowy winters in circumboreal Sweden, experiences that he godlike fondly.

In the book "There Are Things I Want Restore confidence to Know" About Stieg Larsson and Me, Eva Gabrielsson describes this as Larsson's motivation presage setting part of his regulate novel The Girl with say publicly Dragon Tattoo in northern Sverige, which Gabrielsson calls "godforsaken chairs at the back of beyond."[citation needed]

Larsson was not as caring of the urban environment disintegrate the city Umeå, where noteworthy resided with his parents make something stand out his grandfather, Severin Boström, in a good way of a heart attack finish age 50.

Larsson earned dinky secondary diploma in social sciences in 1972. He applied come to an end the Joint Colleges of Journalism in Stockholm, but he unavailing the entrance examination. In 1974, Larsson was drafted into dignity Swedish Army under the militarisation law. He spent 16 months in compulsory military service, devotion as a mortarman in tidy up infantry unit in Kalmar County.[citation needed]

His mother Vivianne also epileptic fit early, in 1991, from riders of breast cancer and deflate aneurysm.[6]


On his 12th birthday, Larsson's parents gave him a typewriter as a birthday gift.[5]

Larsson's be in first place efforts at writing fiction were in the genre of body of laws fiction.

As an avid study fiction reader from an originally age, he became active display Swedish science fiction fandom nearly 1971; he co-edited, with Nut Forsgren, his first fanzine, Sfären, in 1972; and he shifty his first science fiction gathering, SF•72, in Stockholm. Through birth 1970s, Larsson published around 30 additional fanzine issues; after sovereignty move to Stockholm in 1971, he became active in grandeur Scandinavian SF Society, of which he was a board fellow in 1978 and 1979, present-day chairman in 1980.

In wreath first fanzines, 1972–74, he accessible a handful of early divide stories, while submitting others succeed to other semiprofessional or amateur magazines. He was co-editor or redactor of several science-fiction fanzines, inclusive of Sfären and FIJAGH!; in 1978–79, he was president of position largest Swedish science-fiction fan bludgeon, Skandinavisk Förening för Science Tale.

An account of this interval in Larsson's life, along live detailed information on his fanzine writing and short stories, quite good included in the biographical essays written by Larsson's friend John-Henri Holmberg in The Tattooed Girl, by Holmberg with Dan Burstein and Arne De Keijzer, 2011.

In early June 2010, manuscripts for two such stories, whereas well as fanzines with lag or two others, were well-known in the National Library have a high regard for Sweden (to which this info had been donated a seizure years earlier, mainly by greatness Alvar Appeltofft Memorial Foundation, which works to further science-fiction fandom in Sweden).

This discovery annotation what was called "unknown" oeuvre by Larsson generated considerable publicity.[7]

Activism and journalism

While working as nifty photographer, Larsson became engaged hobble far-left political activism. He became a member of Kommunistiska Arbetareförbundet (Communist Workers' League),[8] edited blue blood the gentry Swedish Trotskyist journal Fjärde internationalen, journal of the Swedish period of the Fourth International.

Filth wrote regularly for the once a week Internationalen.

Larsson spent parts of 1977 in Eritrea, training a company of female Eritrean People's Freeing Front guerrillas in the machinate of mortars. He was constrained to abandon that work aft he contracted a kidney disease.[10] Upon his return to Sverige, he worked as a visual aid designer at the largest Nordic news agency, Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå, amidst 1977 and 1999.

Larsson's political beliefs, as well as his journalistic experiences, led him to intense the Swedish Expo Foundation, resembling to the British Searchlight Base, established to "counteract the career of the extreme right vital the white power culture discern schools and among young people."[11] He also became the columnist of the foundation's magazine, Expo, in 1995.

When he was not at his day help, he worked on independent delving into right-wing extremism in Sverige. In 1991, his research resulted in his first book, Extremhögern (The Extreme Right). Larsson hasten became instrumental in documenting slab exposing Swedish extreme right duct racist organisations.

He was button influential debater and lecturer proud the subject, reportedly living plump for years under death threats newcomer disabuse of his political enemies. The state party Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) was a major subject of authority research.[11]

Name change

Larsson's first name was originally Stig, which is ethics standard spelling.

In his absolutely 20s, he changed it kind avoid confusion with his confidante Stig Larsson, who went coverage to become a well-known novelist well before Stieg did.[5][12] Nobleness pronunciation is the same negligent of spelling.

Death and will

Larsson died of a heart down tools after climbing the stairs cause somebody to work on 9 November 2004; he was 50.

He practical interred at the Högalid Communion cemetery in the district admonishment Södermalm in Stockholm.[13]

In May 2008, it was announced that unmixed 1977 will, found soon make sure of Larsson's death, declared his entail to leave his assets hurt the Umeå branch of picture Communist Workers League (now honesty Socialist Party).

As the testament choice was unwitnessed, it was mewl valid under Swedish law, form a junction with the result that all devotee Larsson's estate, including future royalties from book sales, went secure his father and brother, Joakim (1957-2024).[14][15][16] His long-term partner Eva Gabrielsson,[17] who found the inclination, had no legal right provision the inheritance, sparking controversy in the middle of his father and brother flourishing her.

Reportedly, the couple not till hell freezes over married because under Swedish paw those entering marriage were de rigueur to make their addresses out in the open available, which may have back number a "security risk" as Larsson feared retaliation from violent extremists.[18]

An article in Vanity Fair discusses Gabrielsson's dispute with Larsson's kith and kin, which has also been well-covered in the Swedish press.

She claims the author had roughly contact with his father allow brother, and requests the command to control his work to such a degree accord it may be presented include the way he would maintain wanted.[19] Larsson's story was featured on the 10 October 2010 segment of CBS News Penetrating Morning.[20]



Main article: Millennium (novel series)

Larsson had originally planned a group of 10 books and esoteric completed two and most outline a third when he began looking for publishers.

At distinction time of his death worry 2004, only three had antique completed, and although accepted practise publication, none had yet back number printed. These were published posthumously as the Millennium series.

The first book in the suite was published in Sweden slightly Män som hatar kvinnor (literally "Men who hate women") invite 2005.

It was titled convey the English-language market as The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and published in the Banded together Kingdom in February 2008. Recoup was awarded the Glass Washed out award as the best Germanic crime novel in 2005.

His second novel, Flickan som lekte med elden (2006, The Cub Who Played with Fire), standard the Best Swedish Crime Latest Award in 2006 and was published in the United Homeland in January 2009.

The tertiary novel, Luftslottet som sprängdes (literally "The castle in the overestimate which was blown up"), publicized in English as The Young lady Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest, was published in the Combined Kingdom in October 2009 stake the United States in Could 2010.

Larsson left about three-fourths of a fourth novel collection a notebook computer, now consumed by his partner, Eva Gabrielsson; synopses or manuscripts of rendering fifth and sixth in blue blood the gentry series, which he intended express comprise an eventual total ceremony ten books, may also exist.[21] Gabrielsson has stated in frequent book "There Are Things Distracted Want You to Know" Tension Stieg Larsson and Me (2011) that she feels capable scrupulous finishing the book.[22]

In 2013, Norse publisher Norstedts contracted David Lagercrantz, a Swedish author and journo, to continue the Millennium series.[23] Lagercrantz did not have right to the material in Gabrielsson's possession, which remains unpublished.

Interpretation new book was published detain August 2015 in connection suitable the 10th anniversary of position series, under the Swedish inscription Det som inte dödar oss (literally "That which doesn't erudition us"); the English title recap The Girl in the Spider's Web.[24][25]

The fifth book in representation Millennium series was released splotch September 2017.

The Swedish label is Mannen som sökte harm skugga (literally "The man who hunted his shadow") and righteousness English title is The Boy Who Takes an Eye receive an Eye.[26][27]

The sixth book bank on the Millennium series was unbound in August 2019. The Scandinavian title is Hon som måste dö (literally "She who rust die") and the English phone up is The Girl Who Fleeting Twice.

The seventh book dependably the Millennium series was movable in November 2022. The Scandinavian title is Havsörnens skrik (literally "The cry of the ocean eagle") and the English baptize is The Girl in say publicly Eagle's Talons[28], written by Karin Smirnoff.

Film adaptations

The Swedish fell production company Yellow Bird has produced film versions of authority Millennium series, co-produced with rank Danish film production company Nordisk Film.

The three films were all released in 2009 quandary Scandinavia.

Sony Pictures released out film adaptation of the be foremost book in the Millennium panel. Directed by David Fincher, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was released in 2011. Ordering for sequels were ultimately scrapped.


Through his written works, bit well as in interviews, Larsson acknowledged that a significant handful of his literary influences were American and British crime/detective tale authors.

His heroine has sizeable similarities with Carol O'Connell's "Mallory", who first appeared in Mallory's Oracle (1994). In his walk off with Larsson made a habit thoroughgoing inserting the names of multifarious of his favourites within righteousness text, sometimes by making consummate characters read the works conduct operations Larsson's favorite authors.

Topping class list were Sara Paretsky, Agatha Christie, Val McDermid, Dorothy Glory. Sayers, Elizabeth George, and Town Blyton.[29]

One of the strongest influences originates from his own country: Pippi Longstocking, by Sweden's much-loved children's author Astrid Lindgren. Larsson explained that one of fillet main recurring characters in rank Millennium series, Lisbeth Salander, assessment actually fashioned on a fully fledged Pippi Longstocking as he chose to sketch her.[30] Additional liaison to Lindgren's literary work peal in the Larsson novels; defence example, the other main erect, Mikael Blomkvist, is frequently referred to mockingly by his detractors as "Kalle Blomkvist", the label of a fictional teenaged officer created by Lindgren.[31] The term Salander was actually inspired surpass the strong female character pride the Kalle Blomkvist trilogy manage without Astrid Lindgren, Kalle's girlfriend Eva-Lotte Lisander.

Larsson has said in the way that he was 15 years tactic, he witnessed three of dominion friends gang-raping a young boy, which led to his for life abhorrence of violence and exploit against women. His longtime accessory, Eva Gabrielsson, writes that that incident "marked him for life" in a chapter of added book that describes Larsson tempt a feminist.[6] The author at no time forgave himself for failing appoint help the girl, and that inspired the themes of carnal violence against women in tiara books.[32] According to Gabrielsson, rendering Millennium trilogy allowed Larsson clobber express a worldview he was never able to elucidate little a journalist.

She described, in vogue great detail, how the elementary narratives of his three books were essentially fictionalised portraits type the Sweden few people knew, a place where latent creamy supremacy found expression in approach aspects of contemporary life, limit anti-extremists lived in persistent anxiety of attack. "Everything of that nature described in the Millennium trilogy has happened at lone time or another to well-ordered Swedish citizen, journalist, politician, citizens prosecutor, unionist, or policeman," she writes.

"Nothing was made up."[6][33]

Similarities also exist between Larsson's Lisbeth Salander and Peter O'Donnell's Chastity Blaise.[34][35][36] Both are women liberate yourself from disastrous childhoods, who somehow certain to become adults with eminent skills, including fighting, and who accomplish good by operating on a small scale outside the law.

One method Larsson's villains, Ronald Niedermann (blond hulk), has much in habitual with the invulnerable, sociopathic giantess named Simon Delicata in depiction fourth Modesty Blaise book A Taste for Death.


  • 2005 – Glass Key award, Män som hatar kvinnor
  • 2006 – Best Scandinavian Crime Novel Award, Flickan som lekte med elden
  • 2008 – Parallel with the ground Key award, Luftslottet som sprängdes
  • 2008 – ITV3 Crime Thriller Bestow for International Author of blue blood the gentry Year, UK, for The Mademoiselle with the Dragon Tattoo[37]
  • 2008 – Exclusive Books Boeke Prize, Southern Africa, for The Girl nuisance the Dragon Tattoo
  • 2009 – Assemblage British Book Awards, Books Honest Crime Thriller of the Yr, UK, for The Girl barter the Dragon Tattoo[38][39]
  • 2009 – Suffragist Award, Best First Novel, tight spot The Girl with the Freak Tattoo[40][41]
  • 2009 – General Council look up to the Judiciary, Spain, for culminate contribution to the fight accept domestic violence[42]
  • 2010 – USA Today's Author of the Year.[43]

Stieg Larsson was the first author touch sell more than one gazillion e-books on[44]


Kurdo Baksi, Larsson's former colleague at Expo, promulgated Min vän Stieg Larsson ("My Friend Stieg Larsson") in Jan 2010.[45]

Barry Forshaw's English language chronicle was published in April 2010.[46]

Larsson's widow Eva Gabrielsson released torment memoir Millennium, Stieg & jag in 2011,[47] published in Objectively the same year as "There Are Things I Want Support to Know" About Stieg Larsson and Me.

In 2012, Sculpturer comics artist Frédéric Rébéna thespian a graphic biography of Larsson scripted by Guillaume Lebeau topmost entitled Stieg Larsson, avant Millenium, which was published by Denoël Graphic.[48]

In 2018 a study in and out of Jan Stocklassa of Larsson's proof into Olof Palme's assassination was released in Swedish,[49] and twist English the following year, translated by Tara F.

Chace, go downwards the title The Man Who Played with Fire: Stieg Larsson's Lost Files and the Entrance for an Assassin.[50]

Since 2009 Larsson's family and Norstedts have instituted an annual award of 200,000 Swedish Krona (US$18,668 in 2022 terms) in memory of him. The prize is awarded slant a person or organisation operative in Stieg Larsson's spirit.

The recipient in 2015 was Asian author Yang Jisheng for dominion notable work Tombstone which describes the consequences of The Join Years of Great Chinese Famine.[51]


Non-fiction books

  • Stieg Larsson, Anna-Lena Lodenius: Extremhögern, Stockholm, 1991;
  • Stieg Larsson, Mikael Ekman: Sverigedemokraterna: den nationella rörelsen, Stockholm, 2001;
  • Stieg Larsson, Cecilia Englund: Debatten om hedersmord: feminism eller rasism, Stockholm, 2004;
  • Richard Slätt, Maria Blomquist, Stieg Larsson, David Lagerlöf m.fl.: Sverigedemokraterna från insidan, 2004.


The Millennium series:

Periodicals edited

Science fiction fanzines:

  • Sfären (with Rune Forsgren), 4 issues, 1972–1973;
  • FIJAGH! (with Rune Forsgren), 9 issues, 1974–1977;
  • Långfredagsnatt, 5 issues, annual 1973–1976, final issue 1983;
  • Memorafiac, 2 issues, circa 1978;
  • Fanac (with Eva Gabrielsson), 7 issues (numbered 97–103; earlier and later via other editors), 1979–1980;
  • The Magic Fan (with Eva Gabrielsson), 2 issues, 1980.


  • Svartvitt med Expo, 1999–2002;
  • Expo, 2002–2004.

See also


  1. ^"Bestselling fiction authors serve the world for 2008".

    AbeBooks. 15 January 2009. Retrieved 22 September 2009.

  2. ^Maryles, Daisy (3 Sept 2011). "The Winning Game: 2010 Hardcovers: Facts & Figures 2011". Publishers Weekly.
  3. ^Begley, Sarah (21 Foot it 2015). "Here's the Cover hope against hope the New Book in Stieg Larsson's Millennium Series".

    Time. Retrieved 17 June 2015.

  4. ^"Ansedel för Population Larsson och Gerd Dagny Vivianne Boström". Retrieved 1 Feb 2023.
  5. ^ abc
  6. ^ abcGabrielsson, Eva; Colombani, Marie-Françoise; Coverdale, Linda (2011).

    "There Are Things I Want Order about to Know" about Stieg Larsson and Me. New York: Vii Stories. ISBN .

  7. ^Itzkoff, Dave (8 June 2010). "Unpublished Manuscripts by Stieg Larsson Are Found". The Newborn York Times.
  8. ^"Steig Larsson". Books of the World.

    Archived deprive the original on 9 Oct 2010.

  9. ^Khaleeli, Homa (16 October 2010). "Stieg Larson 'spent year routine Eritrean guerrillas'". The Guardian. London.
  10. ^ ab"About Expo". 7 Might 2010.

    Archived from the conniving on 12 August 2010. Retrieved 5 August 2010.

  11. ^Forsman, Hans. "Stig Larsson: Han ändrade själv stavningen" [Stieg Larsson: He changed excellence spelling himself]. (in Swedish). Archived from the original legation 20 July 2011. Retrieved 15 June 2011.
  12. ^Lasisi, Dare.

    "Stieg cranium Me by Eva Gabrielsson (Book Review by Dare Lasisi)". Retrieved 3 October 2020.

  13. ^Ratsit
  14. ^"Stieg Larssons testamente hittat". (in Swedish). 28 May 2008.
  15. ^Cantwell, Oisin (28 May 2008). "Ville ge arvet till lokalparti".

    Aftonbladet (in Swedish).

  16. ^SupportEva.comArchived 26 April 2009 at ethics Wayback Machine website. Supports Eva Gabrielsson's position.
  17. ^Cohen, Nick (13 Sept 2009). "Read Stieg Larsson, depiction bestselling socialist militant". The Observer. London.
  18. ^"The Battle Over Stieg Larsson's Estate Intensifies".

    Vanity Fair. 5 January 2010. Archived from distinction original on 21 July 2014.

  19. ^"The Mystery of Stieg Larsson". CBS News. 8 October 2010. Retrieved 28 February 2022.
  20. ^McGrath, Charles (23 May 2010). "The Afterlife outandout Stieg Larsson".

    The New Dynasty Times Magazine.

  21. ^Sciolino, Elaine (17 Feb 2011). "A Word From Stieg Larsson's Partner and Would-Be Collaborator". The New York Times.
  22. ^Flores, Juan (17 December 2013). "Stieg Larssons fjärde bok skrivs av Lagercrantz". Dagens Nyheter (in Swedish).

    Retrieved 17 December 2013.

  23. ^Dickson, Staffan; Bjaring, Maria; Sandberg, Niklas (17 Dec 2013). "Fjärde boken i Millenniumserien ges ut". Aftonbladet (in Swedish). Retrieved 17 December 2013.
  24. ^"Ny "Millennium"-bok i augusti". Folkbladet (in Swedish). TT Spektra. 27 January 2015. Archived from the original persist 28 January 2015.

    Retrieved 27 January 2015.

  25. ^"David Langercrantz". Norstedts. Sedate 2017. Retrieved 31 August 2017.
  26. ^Lagercrantz, David (12 September 2017). The Girl Who Takes an Check out for an Eye: A Lisbeth Salander novel, continuing Stieg Larsson's Millennium Series.

    Knopf Doubleday Promulgation. ISBN .

  27. ^"ANNOUNCEMENT: LISBETH SALANDER RETURNS Elation MILLENNIUM 7". Reader Dad - Book Reviews. 5 April 2022. Retrieved 11 January 2024.
  28. ^Lindgrendetails, Astrid (28 July 2009). "Stieg Larsson". Archived from the advanced on 13 July 2011.

    Retrieved 5 August 2010.

  29. ^Lindgren, Astrid (29 July 2009). "Pippi Longstocking → Stieg Larsson". infloox. Archived let alone the original on 13 July 2011. Retrieved 5 August 2010.
  30. ^ answer on the nickname. Retrieved 11 February 2012.
  31. ^James, Susan (5 August 2010).

    "Stieg Larsson Unexpressed as Real-Life Lisbeth Raped". ABS News. Retrieved 6 June 2011.

  32. ^Carr, David (8 July 2011). "Remembering Stieg Larsson". New York Multiplication Book Review.
  33. ^Blackburn, David (6 Haw 2010). "The end of Reserve Blaise". Archived from nobleness original on 7 November 2011. Retrieved 6 June 2011.

  34. ^Behe, Rege (15 April 2010). "Nordic invasion: Movies, books, music and more". Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Archived from nobility original on 19 April 2010. Retrieved 6 June 2011.
  35. ^Redvall, Eva (1 February 2008).

    "Millennium three-way sold to thirty countries". Sydsvenskan. Retrieved 1 February 2008.

  36. ^Allen, Katie (6 October 2008). "Rankin famous P D James pick distress ITV3 awards". Archived overrun the original on 9 Apr 2009. Retrieved 6 October 2008.
  37. ^"Galaxy British Book Awards site". Archived from the original paste 4 March 2012. Retrieved 27 December 2012.

  38. ^"2009 Galaxy British Unspoiled Awards. Winners. Shortlists. 1991 disparage present". Archived from goodness original on 28 September 2010. Retrieved 5 August 2010.
  39. ^"Bouchercon Planet Mystery Convention : Anthony Awards final History". Archived from honesty original on 13 July 2014. Retrieved 5 August 2010.

  40. ^"The Suffragist Awards". Archived from justness original on 2 January 2010. Retrieved 5 August 2010.
  41. ^Hibbert, Katharine (30 September 2009). "A serious injustice mars the publication attain Stieg Larsson's final book | Books | Arts".

    The Leading Post. Retrieved 10 January 2012.

  42. ^Donahue, Deirdre (23 December 2010). "Author of the year: Stieg Larsson's legacy lives on". USA Today. Retrieved 31 December 2010.
  43. ^Flood, Alison (28 July 2010). "Stieg Larsson becomes first author to market 1m ebooks on Amazon".

    The Guardian. London.

  44. ^Stockholm: Norstedts. ISBN 9113029541.
  45. ^Forshaw, Barry (2010). The Man Who Residue Too Soon: The Biography chief Stieg Larsson (2010). London: Toilet Blake Publishing. ISBN 9781844549405.
  46. ^Stockholm: Actes Sud. ISBN
  47. ^"Stieg Larsson avant "Millénium"".

    12 January 2012.

  48. ^Stocklassa, Jan (2018). Stieg Larssons arkiv: Nyckeln till Palmemordet. Stockholm: Bokfabriken.
  49. ^Stocklassa, Jan (2019). The Man Who Played with Fire: Stieg Larsson's Lost Files splendid the Hunt for an Assassin. Seattle: Amazon Crossing. ISBN 9781542092937.
  50. ^"The yearlong Stieg Larsson prize". Stride 2013.

Further reading

  • Joan Acocella (10 Jan 2011). "Man of Mystery: Reason do people love Stieg Larsson's novels?". The New Yorker.
  • David Walsh, "The Stieg Larsson phenomenon", Imitation Socialist Web Site, 8 Sept 2010.
  • Barry Forshaw, The Man Who Left Too Soon: the History of Stieg Larsson, John Painter Publishing, 2010.
  • Finlo Rohrer (28 Jan 2010).

    "In search of Stieg Larsson". BBC News Magazine.

  • Expo's gravestone page for Stieg Larsson(in Honourably and Swedish)
  • "In praise of... Stieg Larsson", The Guardian, Culture Paragraph, 3 October 2009.
  • Tristan Brosnan, "Thriller with a radical message", Socialist Worker, 15 April 2010.
  • Dan Burstein, Arne De Keijzer, and John-Henri Holmberg, The Tattooed Girl: Leadership Enigma of Stieg Larsson queue the Secrets Behind the Heavyhanded Compelling Thrillers of Our Time, St.

    Martin's Griffin, 2011.

External links